How to Spatchcock

How to Spatchcock
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Here it is, instructions to spatchcock with pictures below!

I’m not sure I’ll ever get over this fowl word <haha, get it? Fowl for poultry, not a foul word!> I know you want to spatchcock, so you can brag to your buddies. Check out the great reasons to spatchcock too! Click on this link.

Step 1: Take the bird out of the bag.
Look at that round football! Let’s flatten that bird!
Oh….and don’t forget to take out the neck and giblets!

Turkey out of bag
Turkey out of the bag

Step 2: Flip the bird with the backbone up (and breast side down). Using kitchen shears, cut along the side of the backbone as you will be removing that backbone.
I like the cut with the “neck” side facing me and to cut away (meaning drumstick ends are pointing away). There are plate bones on the far end of the backbone that I find easier to cut through this direction.

Cutting the backbone out of turkey
Cutting the backbone out of turkey

Step 3: Cut along the other side of the backbone to remove it.

Cut turkey backbone out to spatchcock
Cut turkey backbone out to spatchcock

Step 4: Separate the backbone from the bird.

Turkey with backbone cut out to spatchcock
Turkey with backbone cut out

Step 5: Flip the bird over and break the breast bone by pushing down in between the breasts

Flatten the turkey by pushing on breasts to break the breast bone
Flatten the turkey by pushing on breasts to break the breast bone

Step 6: Place spatchcook bird onto a rack, breast side up, on top of a pan. This allows for air circulation and provides ample surface area to dry brine or season. This bird is ready for cooking!
Don’t be afraid to tuck the wing tips behind and slightly under the breast to keep them from burning.

Raw spatchcock turkey on rack and pan
Raw spatchcock turkey on rack and pan

Step 7: Cook the bird! Roast in the oven, grill it or smoke it at >350F.
SmellaQue Tip: Take the rack you set your bird on and put it right on the cooking surface.
My baby 8.5lb turkey was smoked in 2 hours. I validated the turkey for doneness by taking the temperature in the middle of the breast or white meat. Dark meat was double checked, but is unnecessary, since spatchcock birds cooks evenly.

Spatchcock Turkey on Smoker
Spatchcock Turkey on Gateway Drum Smoker


Cooked Spatchcocked Turkey
Smoked Spatchcocked Turkey
Sauced Spatchcock Turkey on rack
Sauced Spatchcock Turkey on rack

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